Before we met, I was skeptical about how much light
any one person could possibly exude, and I felt pulled
to her because I wanted to believe her light was real,
even though, at the time, I wasn’t sure about it. I knew I
loved it and wanted it for myself, so I kept going to her,
and she always shared it without any expectation from
my end, and that’s when I began realizing that there is
so much more to this beautiful life we have. Talking
with Laura opened my eyes and, more importantly, my
heart to receive new opportunities, be open, have faith,
and most of all, help others whose light has been
dimmed. It’s because of Laura that I began to see what
we really are. Through my own journey, I now know
what is possible and have been able to guide and help
people in ways I never thought I could, but I know I
can’t do it alone. It’s a collective consciousness, one
where we shed light and love, and that’s the meaning
our souls brought here in this life.