I was in a place of dis-ease engaging with my inner child
and safety with my voice. A time of questioning that led
to separation and dissonance. My state was oscillating
between preserved grounded safety and questioning

My sense of safety, capacity, love, compassion, and
willingness lead me to Laura. Her open and raw states
have expressed her power as well as her vulnerability.
Laura’s championing of partnership and choice has a
beautiful influence, one that allows others to enter with
shields down.

My time with her allowed me to open up and connect
with parts of my inner child and younger self that had
not yet been tapped into. The guidance approach was
calm, patient, and supportive all in one which aided in
leading me to a new place. Laura’s guide-ship is
connected and committed to bringing power to
experiences and backing to continuous support.
Opportunity opened up, and a reminder of coming back
to self is one of the best places to go without questioning.
An offering of community and space that can be held for
whatever comes up brought safety and acceptance. My
journey continues, but I know there is unending support
around me. Laura’s gift, commitment, and zest for this
life have an immense impact. Thank you, Laura, for
sharing all you have and blessing us on this continued
Love you Laura, and I am grateful for and to you.