I was considering a major life change, holding onto my
tight grip of control on life. This was not working. I
wanted to grow and expand, but the traditional ways I
knew of growth were limited and required more control
and burdensome work. I had no real community in my
Colorado home.
I decided to take a bold step for myself to start doing
some work that was outside of my comfort zone. At my
first retreat, I remember Laura coming in full of energy
and light and also seeing all this community that was in
her circle, reminding me of my previous community but
more connective. I also remember how excited she was
to engage with others.
Laura had a lot of energy and zest for life and learning.
She was an encourager and a light. And now I see that
in her, but far wiser and peaceful in her approach to
others. Laura sees deeper within, and it allows me to see
she is listening and also how she can be a mirror for me
and an encourager in that she is many steps in front of
me on her journey. I believe Laura has a lot of learnings
to share.
I am a new person due to all the people around me,
including Laura. I feel love, true connection, and
growth. I have more to go and always will, but I am
feeling transformation and also community in the
process. Laura’s home is also a place of refuge for some
of this work.